Frequently Asked Questions

WHAT is an osteopath?

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An osteopath is a hands-on manual therapist that employs the philosophy, “the body is a unit”. Osteopaths consider a patient complaint with unique attention to the complex interrelationships between the body’s structure and the way it functions.

We are interested in examining the global view of the body, regardless of the location of discomfort. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as one whole entity; acknowledging relationships of the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

We rely on and aim to restore the body’s self-healing and repairing mechanisms by advising patients on lifestyle, diet, stress management techniques and exercise/rehabilitation.

How is osteopathy different to chiropractic or physiotherapy?

Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists are all registered health professions, regulated by AHPRA. We all are mostly manual therapists, and can suggest exercise, lifestyle modifications that will help a patient improve as best they can.

Osteopathy offers a point of difference in that we want to understand how the entire body functions as a whole unit. Osteopaths can use techniques to influence joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs.

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When to consult an osteopath

Osteopaths consult approximately 75,000 Australians per week nationally. Common conditions that people seek help from their osteopath for include:

  • Neck pain

  • Sports injuries

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Whiplash

  • Postural problems

  • Low back pain

  • Knee and heel pain

  • Shin splints

  • Management of arthritis

  • Occupational injuries.

Patients can range from very young to very old; very fit to sedentary; sewing enthusiasts to weekend warriors and elite athletes!

Can osteopaths diagnose patients?

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Yes, absolutely! Osteopaths are highly skilled, university trained, primary allied health care professionals.

We use the information our patients give us, with the appropriate clinical examinations, to formulate a diagnosis. If the osteopath is concerned by the presentation or thinks it warrants further investigation, they will refer appropriately to other health care practitioners. Once the osteopath has diagnosed the issue, they can tailor a specific treatment plan and provide education to get the patient back to optimum.

What sort of treatments can osteopaths offer?

Osteopaths offer a wide range of techniques, and work with the patient to help formulate their specific treatment protocol. Patients may experience techniques such as massage, joint articulation, joint manipulation, visceral and myofascial release, balanced ligamentous techniques, biodynamic and cranial techniques in their osteopathic treatments. As an adjunct to the hands-on treatment, the osteopath will work with the patient to maintain their treatment through education, advice on ergonomics, advice on exercise and rehabilitation, diet and lifestyle suggestions.

How often should someone see an osteopath if their injury requires this certain treatment?

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Every patient and injury is different and multifactorial. Something as simple as the chronicity of the injury is one determinant of how many treatments a patient may require. Our aim is to return our patients to function, and without continual intervention from the osteopath. Educating our patients on avoiding aggravating factors, the science behind pain, general advice on health and wellbeing and exercise prescription/rehabilitation are all offered to help the patient maintain their own health.


No. You are welcome to access our services without a referral from a GP.



If you have any recent (nothing older than 5 years) scans that are relevant to your pain, bring them in. If you have private health insurance, bring your card along, we have a HICAPS machine onsite that can process the claim.

We’d encourage you to wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to move in, but we’d encourage women to wear a normal bra, not a crop top, so if we need to we can see your upper back more easily. Make sure you drink water before and after your session!

You don’t have a phone number! How do I contact the clinic?

Please note, Summit Osteopathy does not have a traditional phone number. We run all of our bookings and communications online, so that our practitioners can give their absolute and full attention to the patients that are currently in consultations.

If you need to contact us, please use the details below. Our inbox is checked regularly throughout the day. We want to hear from you, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Website contact page: or click button below.

Email contact: